Delivery terms

All our prices are ex warehouse - Ex Works (EXW) in accordance with Incoterms® 2010. The transport, shipping and specific packaging costs, whatever, are never included in our offers.

1. Collection:

After you have selected and purchased your items, you will receive a payment request. After having received your payment, we will contact you to make an appointment to collect your order from our central warehouse (Kuringersteenweg 504/6 - 3511 Hasselt - Belgium). The basic packaging (simple and single protection) of our goods is included in the sales price. Extra packaging (e.g. pallets, cardboard boxes, wooden crates, etc.) are always charged separately according to the agreements made.

2. Delivery:

At your request for delivery on account we offer you the best quotation from our logistics partners specialized in furniture transport, taking into account price, time and quality. Each requested delivery is then studied and planned by us, together with our logistics partner. The quotation (price and form) for this delivery on account will be submitted to you for approval.

The execution is subject to approval by our debtor management department and the receipt of full payment upon order. If, at your request, the delivery is postponed or changed within 3 weeks before the agreed delivery date / period / address, we reserve the right to make a new adjusted quotation while retaining the payment already made when ordering the delivery.

2.1 Form of delivery:

Deliveries or partial deliveries are, unless otherwise agreed, delivered unloaded, provided that the location is accessible via a paved public road with a lorry (tractor-trailer combination), to a manned warehouse with unloading facilities and during the classic opening hours.
For deliveries where our logistics partner's lorry has to wait longer than ½ hour to be unloaded, we will charge € 75.00 + VAT per ½ hour.

2.2 Supplements:

If you have specific wishes or remarks regarding the delivery form, e.g. abnormal accessibility of the site or the warehouse, problems with use of the public road, deliveries on private land, deliveries in shopping / walking / residential streets / areas, delivery to a yard, delivery on floor , delivery by more than 1 person, delivery at times other than the classical times, delivery with a fixed date, delivery to an unmanned warehouse, delivery to islands, urgent delivery, etc., we can make you a separate quotation for this.

Such specific situations, wishes or remarks are therefore never included in the basic delivery, unless stated otherwise, and can only be carried out if the necessary supplements for this were calculated and paid in advance.

Costs for the above supplements are always charged additionally to the buyer.